1. Un calme
2. Tout est curieux
3. Grands espaces
4. La main
5. Les pensées
6. Tout passe
7. Famille phare
8. Pas là
9. L’eau monte
paru le 1er mars 2024
– Christian Garcia-Gaucher
– Guitar, vocals, synth, sounds, lyrics.
– Valérie Niederoest
– Guitar, vocals, synth, lyrics
– David Costenaro
– Percussions, drums
– Guests:
Kwake Bass – sounds
Recorded by: Kwake Bass at The Room Studios, South-east London, summer 2023
Additional recordings: by Christian Garcia-Gaucher, La Glacière Studio, Bruxelles
Main Production: Kwake Bass.
Production and Pre-mix: Christian Garcia-Gaucher.
Mix: Daniel Bleikolm, La Savonnerie Studio, Bruxelles.
Mastering: Timothy Stollenwerk at Stereophonic.
Artwork and design: Felipe Carrion / Cigarra entinta