Serie Opera I – ORFEO

In an ephemeral organic installation, Orfeo is an experimental concrete and electronic composition. Staged for one performer and one musician and based on the version of Monteverdi.
All the process of Orfeo exploits the idea of the couterpoint. Contrast between what one sees and what one hears. On the one side, we see the performer, who represents the Opera with a large O, with his costumes, his gestures, its diction, its majestic displacements. On the other side we have the sound of women voices which one doesn’t see and who are coming from around ten small radios laid out on the stage. Contrast of the text, one performer is singing the text of the libretto of Alessandro Striggio (written for Monteverdi) which presents us a romantic and luminous Orpheus. On the other side those women voices who tell us the myth such as most of antique authors have described, darker with a bloody end as Orpheus finishes pederast and atrociously murdered and dismembered. A musical contrast between the overblown version of Monteverdi and this electronic and minimalist version. Finally, a scenographic contrast as all is made here to simulate the opera with its imposing effects and spectacular sceneries, but in a completly thinkered way, with a performer who turn off and on the lights himself, changes the color of the lights or creates smoke for the act of the hell.
“Orfeo” is the first episode of the trilogy. This experimentation will be followed by Othello and Salomé.
Concept, composition and direction: Christian Garcia-Gaucher
with: Christophe Jaquet, Christian Garcia-Gaucher.
Dramaturgy: Sébastien Grosset.
Sset design and lights: Sven Kreter
Costumes: Marion Montel
Sound: Jérémie Conne
Production: Anne-Laure Sahy, Cristina Martinoli – rue 917, Annabel Glauser
With voices : Valérie Liengme, Lucia Marabini, Maylène Mathée, Jacqueline Ricciardi, Stéphanie Ginalski, Anne-Laure Sahy
Serie Opera – ORFEO is a production of the BOOOM CIE, in co-production with Théâtre Arsenic in Lausanne.
This project was supported by City of Lausanne, Loterie Romande, Pro Helvetia, Artephila, SIS
All pictures © Sven Kreter, Alexandre Morel
23 november 2013 | | Lausanne (CH) | Théâtre de l’arsenic